+ 44 (0)20 7586 0110

schneider + partners

creative management consultants, catalysts + coaches - london

we specialise in working with

creative organisations

We are a creative management consultancy - a hybrid.

Building on Eric Schneider's roots as both a 'creative' and a management consultant, we have worked with over 200 creative and project based organisations, helping them - and the teams and individuals within them - to improve their performance and effectiveness.

Issues we help with

Acting as a consultant, coach and catalyst for change we bring our extensive experience to bear on a broad range of issues. Some that we have recently helped address include:

We listen, research, analyse and think strategically, like management consultants

We work holistically and creatively, like designers

We are culturally attuned to working with creatives

We are visually literate and design aware

We are innovation orientated

We advise on the management of both organisations and their creative assets

We are consumer and stakeholder experience driven

Our focus is on delivering solutions and results

We come with an energising, creative and positively challenging approach

We bring some unique perspectives in terms of how creative organisations can be more effectively organised and structured

Ultimately we know that we succeed by helping our clients achieve improved performance and results.

We will therefore only encourage you to undertake a project with us if we feel confident that we can add real value, ideally - where improved financial performance is the key issue - when we both believe that a minimum six to ten fold return on our consultancy fees may be possible.

Often we deliver much, much more.

“I used to have sympathy with the view that management consultants simply borrow your watch to tell you the time, only to walk off with it. My experience with Schneider + Partners has been very different. Eric borrowed my watch, told me why it was running slightly out, then gave it back - pointing out that with a bit of cleaning it would be worth more than I had thought possible.  Schneider + partners gavem my consultancy the kind of invaluable independent perspective that I hope we give to our clients"

Robert Smith, Jog Limited

Who should consider us?


- media organisations: film, TV, video, radio

- museums + galleries                                

- musicians

- performing + visual arts

- photographers

- publishers + journals

- theatres


business planning

design management

honing creatives + creative teams

improving performance

managing for growth

marketing / new business development

merger management

morale / team re-invigoration

“With hindsight we should have appointed Schneider + Partners ten years earlier in our development cycle … Eric delivered insight, knowledge, financial acumen and, most important, intellectual challenge to the business planning process. The initial benefits are a practice reinvigorated, recharged and most importantly ambitious to face a new decade of challenge”  

Mark Hobson, Maber Architects.

organisational / structure design

product-service development

roles + responsibilities

senior team + individual development

strategy + sub-strategy development

succession planning

team building

total experience management

vision / goal development

How we work

We can act in differing roles offering a spectrum of services to best suit your organisation and the issues in question. These range from focused consultancy assignments to broad based organisational evaluations / strategic reviews, and from coaching individuals and teams to working in a non-executive type role:  e.g.,

When to consider us

Often we are called in when a significant challenge is being faced, but even more frequently we  make a major contribution when things are going well. So, for example, consider us when you are …


As creative management consultants with extensive experience of working with a broad range of creative organisations and individuals, we bring a number of benefits:

“Eric Schneider acted like a 'Non-Executive Director' to us during his involvement with our Business Review and his insights and advice have advanced our business thinking significantly. The external review with Clients has been extremely well received by them and highlighted some key areas to improve on. Eric has provided a well needed independent review of our business from top to bottom and it has been very enjoyable working with him. I would have no hesitation in recommending him ...".

Ian Craig, Evolve Consulting Engineers

Eric is the only businessman I have met who is also both a genuinely skilled and observant “creative” and an effective and gritty strategic consultant, able intelligently and articulately to evaluate the needs and objectives of others on their own terms, rather than simply by reference to himselfWhat I like about Eric is that he is prepared to get to the nuts & bolts; he can bring real rigour to the table. He can also be relied on to take a step back from time to time and try to lift one’s head up to the horizon that lies ahead”  

Chris Agace, Chalk Hill.

I just thought you might like to know that Strides has got a new word doing the rounds: "Being Schneidered." It made me laugh. I want to become a word someday … Your presence has "unstuck" us and pushed us forward, for which I am extremely grateful. Thank you and well done. I hope you enjoyed the process, others certainly did.”

Elizabeth Kavanagh, Head of HR, Stride Treglown


a structure that will more clearly reflect how you actually work

developing a new set of strategies and sub-strategies

wanting to constructively stir things up

need to more effectively organise your people and/or activities

wanting the creative but challenging input of a non-executive type advisor

looking to hone and develop a unique consumer experience

reviewing your next steps / future vision

seeking to (re)gain a competitive or creative edge

interested in

how your clients, staff, consultants, suppliers, et al really perceive you

feeling stale /

in need of re-energisation / rejuvenation

appointing senior individuals to new roles

with a new management team

thinking about succession


- qualitatively or quantitively

experiencing a contentious issue that would be assisted by an independent overview

moving from one stage of development to the next

doing well,

but know you could be doing even better

Eric Schneider

BA(Econ) AAdipl MBA RIBA

looking to grow your organisation or a particular area of it


Both as part of our consultancy assignments and as standalone exercises we run workshops tailored to your needs, covering areas from sub-strategy development and innovation to managing the consumer. 


We also undertake research, usually of a qualitative nature, and have extensive experience of carrying out staff and consumer insight surveys as well as research into competitors and market opportunities.


Much of our work as consultants is strategic. Most involves an evaluation of the current situation, identifying and agreeing future objectives, developing strategies and tactics for achieving these, and working with a client to help manage the desired change.


We work with individuals and teams to help them achieve their own - and the organisation's - full potential. 


Often our role is akin to that of a non-executive director - providing a creative contribution to the board by providing independent oversight and constructive challenge to the executive directors.

All kinds of creatives, including:

    - advertising + marketing agencies

    - architects + interior designers

    - arts organisations

    - designers - from product to graphics

    - engineers

    - fashion professionals

    - IT, software, internet / web designers



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+44 20 7586 0110